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Thats Coco. -->
The founder and all things creative behind

Planet Casiom.

Coco lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia with her husband, newborn & 11-year-old little girls. She loves to illustrate, write stories, and play video games. oh and eat food... almost as much as I do...

Her goal is to one day build a brand. so, you should totally join us on this journey !

<3 Quantum

Quantum Martian
fizz6 robot
The Business

PLanet Casiom
started out as an idea for a novel; inside our founder coco's creative little head.

as characters and places grew, then things inside the planet grew.

So, here we are now earthlings. Casioms hub, where you can find whimsical, cute and out of this world creative goodies.

- Fizz6 *over&out*

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